Unit IV

Image Segmentation

  • Process of partitioning digital image into multiple region of interests (ROIs).
  • Image segmentation approaches
    1. Similarity principle (region approach) group similar pixels to extract a coherent region
    2. Discontinuity principle (boundary approach) extract regions that differ in H/S/V

Characteristics of Segmentation


  • Similar pixels from an image region R are grouped into separate regions/subgroups Rᵢ
// Mathematical relation of ROIs
Σ Rᵢ = R
  • Rᵢ must be a connected region i.e. i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n

  • Rᵢs must be mutually exclusive region

// Mutually exclusive relation between Rᵢ and Rⱼ where i ≠ j
Rᵢ ∩ Rⱼ = ɸ
  • Predicate P(Rᵢ) indicates some property over the region Rᵢ. Ideally, two different regions should have different predicates.

  • Changing the tolerance of an ROI changes the shape of ROIs.

    • Low tolerance will give accurate results, but may result in too many ROIs.
    • High tolerance may give inaccurate results, but results in manageable number of ROIs.

Detection of Discontinuities

  • Types of gray level discontinuities
    1. Point isolated point
    2. Line straight line
    3. Edge irregular outline of an object

Point Detection

  • Isolated point whose gray level is significantly different from its background.
  • If the response of a region is greater than or equal to the threshold, we can say an isolated point exists.
  • This threshold is subjective non-negative integer, and its value depends on the application.
// Point detection mask
Mask = | -1  -1  -1  |
       | -1   8  -1  |
       | -1  -1  -1  |

// Isolated point condition
| R | ≥ T

Line of Detection

  • There are four types of lines: horizontal, vertical, +45° diagonal, -45° diagonal.
  • This means four types of masks are used for line detection.
// Horizontal line mask
Mask = | -1  -1  -1  |
       |  2   2   2  |
       | -1  -1  -1  |

// Vertical line mask
Mask = | -1   2  -1  |
       | -1   2  -1  |
       | -1   2  -1  |

// +45° Diagonal line mask
Mask = | -1  -1   2  |
       | -1   2  -1  |
       |  2  -1  -1  |

// -45° Diagonal line mask
Mask = |  2  -1  -1  |
       | -1   2  -1  |
       | -1  -1   2  |
  • Response from all four line masks is calculated.
  • The mask giving the highest response is associated with corresponding line.

Edge Detection

  • An edge is a set of connected pixels which lie on the boundary of an object (boundary of two different).
  • Edge corresponds to the sharp discontinuities/change in H/S/V and therefore can be used in segmentation.
  • Edge can extracted by computing the derivative of an image
    • Magnitude of derivative contrast of edge
    • Direction of derivative edge orientation (angle)

Types of Edges

  • Step edge abrupt change in H/S/V
  • Ramp edge gradual change in H/S/V
  • Spike edge abrupt change in H/S/V and then back to original H/S/V
  • Roof edge gradual change in H/S/V and then gradually back to original H/S/V

Stages in Edge Detection

  1. Start
  2. Input image
  3. Filtering some preprocessing to aid in edge detection (smoothening, reduce noise)
  4. Differentiation first or second order derivative and direction if atan(y / x)
  5. Localization identify the edge location. Also involves edge thinning and edge linking.
  6. Display
  7. End

Edge Detection Approaches

  • Derivative spatial filters
  • Template matching matches region which resemble template
  • Gaussian derivatives best for real time processing
  • Pattern fit topographical surface generation

Edge Detection Techniques

First Order Edge Detection

// Edge magnitude
M = | Gx | + | Gy |

// Edge gradient (angle)
ϕ = tan⁻(Gy / Gx)

// Edge localization
| 1   $\longrightarrow$   M ≥ Threshold
| 0   $\longrightarrow$   M < Threshold

Robert Operator

  • Mask is the derivative w.r.t. diagonal elements.
  • Also known as cross diagonal difference.
// Robert Masks
GxMask = |  1   0 |
         |  0  -1 |

GyMask = |  0   1 |
         | -1   0 |

Prewitt Operator

  • Central difference of neighboring pixels.
// Prewitt Masks
GxMask = | -1  -1  -1 |
         |  0   0   0 |
         |  1   1   1 |

GyMask = | -1   0   1 |
         | -1   0   1 |
         | -1   0   1 |

// Diagonal Prewitt Masks
GxMask = |  0   1   1 |
         | -1   0   1 |
         | -1  -1   0 |

GyMask = | -1  -1   0 |
         | -1   0   1 |
         |  0   1   1 |


Which row/col is -ve doesn't really matter. What matters is row/col should have opposite signs to get the difference of neighboring pixels.

Conventionally, left/top side is taken as -ve and right/bottom side is taken as +ve.

For diagonal masks Gx is -45° and Gy is +45°.

Sobel Operator

  • Central difference of neighboring pixels
  • Also provides a smoothening effect
  • First approximation of first Gaussian derivative
// Sobel Masks
GxMask = | -1  -2  -1 |
         |  0   0   0 |
         |  1   2   1 |

GyMask = | -1   0   1 |
         | -2   0   2 |
         | -1   0   1 |

// Diagonal Sobel Masks
GxMask = |  0   1   2 |
         | -1   0   1 |
         | -2  -1   0 |

GyMask = | -2  -1   0 |
         | -1   0   1 |
         |  0   1   2 |

Template Matching

  • Direction sensitive filter.
  • The masks can be obtained by rotating the matrix clockwise for a clockwise change in orientation.
  • Also known as compass masks.
  • The highest response corresponds to the direction of edge.
  • Say, M7 (South East ↙) gives highest response, then edge has a South East ↙ orientation.

Kirsch Mask

// M0 (East ←)
M0 = | -3  -3   5 |
     | -3   0   5 |
     | -3  -3   5 |

// M1 (North East ↖)
M1 = | -3  -3  -3 |
     | -3   0   5 |
     | -3   5   5 |

// ... ↑ ↗ → ↘ ↓

// M7 (South East ↙)
M7 = | -3   5   5 |
     | -3   0   5 |
     | -3  -3  -3 |

Robinson Mask

// M0 (East ←)
M0 = | -1   0   1 |
     | -2   0   2 |
     | -1   0   1 |

// M1 (North East ↖)
M1 = | -2  -1   0 |
     | -1   0   1 |
     |  0   1   2 |

// ... ↑ ↗ → ↘ ↓

// M7 (South East ↙)
M7 = |  0   1   2 |
     | -1   0   1 |
     | -2  -1   0 |

Second Order Edge Detection

  • Zero crossing (crossing of second derivate from +ve to -ve or vice versa) corresponds to edge.
  • So, if the response of filter changes sign, we can conclude an edge is present in the image.
  • Unlike first order edge detection, second order is rotationally invariant.

Simple Laplacian Mask

// Laplacian filter
Mask = |  0  -1   0  |
       | -1   4  -1  |
       |  0  -1   0  |

// Continuous Laplacian filter
Mask = | -1  -1  -1  |
       | -1   8  -1  |
       | -1  -1  -1  |

Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Filter

  • Also known as Marr-Hildrith filter.
  • This filter accounts for variation in scale of image, and is capable of calculating both first and second order derivatives.
  • Gaussian function reduces noise.
  • To minimize noise susceptibility, LoG is preferred over simple Laplacian.


  • σ decides the size of the convolution mask generated.
  • Higher σ corresponds to higher order n x n filter mask.
  • Higher σ gives better performance of the edge operator at cost of processing.

Difference of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

  • Difference between two Gaussian filters with σ₁ and σ₂
  • Ratio of σ₁ and σ₂ between 1 and 2 is optimal.


  • Since DoG is an approximation of LoG and does not require Laplace transform, DoG is less resource intensive alternative to LoG.


Canny Edge Detection

  • Multistage algorithm to detect wide range of edges in an image.
  • Multistage approach provides the benefit of
    1. Good edge detection with few false edges
    2. Good edge localization.

Canny Edge Algorithm

  1. Preprocess smoothening

    • Convolve image with Gaussian filter to produce a smooth image
    • Compute gradient of result and store both magnitude and store M ϕ in separate arrays (see first order edge detection for more info).
  2. Reduce the number of edges using non-maxima suppression

    • Utilizes the concept of 'confidence' from fuzzy logic to eliminate regions with low confidence.
    • This confidence threshold is a subjective choice.
  3. Apply hysteresis thresholding


Segmentation using Watershed Segmentation

  • Grayscale level of an image can be mapped as topology elevation.
  • Raining on this topology forms water catchment basins.


  • Catchment basin (lake) collection of points where water will certainly fall to a unique regional minima.
  • Watershed lines (boundary of lake) collection of points where water is equally likely to fall to more than one regional minima.
  • If we can find the watershed lines, we can determine the edges. Here's a slice from the 3D plane we generated.


Basic Morphological Algorithms

Boundary Extraction

// Boundary by eroding the topology
B(A) = A - (A ⊖ B)

Solved Example Sample Problem

Region Filling

// Fill region by dilation the topology
Xₖ = (Xₖ₋₁ ⊕ B) ∩ Aʹ

// Structuring element B (constant)
B = | 0  1  0 |
    | 1  1  1 |
    | 0  1  0 |
  • This process is repeated until Xₖ == Xₖ₋₁

Solved Example Sample Problem

Extraction of Connected Component

// Fill region by dilation the topology
Xₖ = (Xₖ₋₁ ⊕ B) ∩ A

// Structuring element B (constant)
B = | 1  1  1 |
    | 1  1  1 |
    | 1  1  1 |
  • This process is repeated until Xₖ == Xₖ₋₁

Solved Example Sample Problem

Convex Hull

  • Smallest possible polygonal hull (shape) to encapsulate the object.
// Convex hull formation by hit-or-miss of the topology
Xₖⁱ = (Xₖ₋₁ ⊗ Bᵢ) ∪ A

// Structuring element B (constant)
B1 = | 1  x  x |
     | 1  0  x |
     | 1  x  x |

// Rotate B1 clockwise **twice** to get B2, B3, and B4
  • This process is repeated until Xₖ == Xₖ₋₁

Solved Example Sample Problem

Thinning and Thickening

// Thinning
Thin(A, B) = A - (A ⊗ B)

// Thickening
Thick(A, B) = A ∪ (A ⊗ B)

// Structuring element B (constant)
B1 = | 1  x  0 |
     | 1  1  0 |
     | 1  x  0 |

// Rotate B1 clockwise **once** to get B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, and B8
  • If B mask matches the image
    • If thinning, replace center by 0
    • If thickening, replace center by 1
  • This process is exhaustive. Only one iteration is performed.

Solved Example Sample Problem

Homomorphic Filtering

  • Homomorphic filtering simultaneously normalizes the brightness and increases the contrast.


  1. Correcting non-uniform illumination
  2. Removing multiplicative noise
  3. Appearance of grayscale image


// Split image into illumination and reflectance
f(x, y) = i(x, y) x r(x, y)

// However, product of Fourier transform is not separable
F[f(x, y)] ≠ F[i(x, y)] x F[r(x, y)]

// To overcome, this problem, we preprocess the signal by taking its log
ln[f(x, y)] = ln[i(x, y)] + ln[r(x, y)]

// Fourier transform
F[ln[f(x, y)]] = F[ln[i(x, y)]] + F[ln[r(x, y)]]
  • Illumination is the primary factor which provides image its dynamic range and it varies slowly.
  • Reflectance is the detail of object edges and varies rapidly.
  • These characteristics led to association of F[f(x, y)]'s
    • Low frequencies with F[i(x, y)]
    • High frequencies with F[r(x, y)]
  • By applying separate filtering functions Hi and Hr to F[ln[i(x, y)]] and F[ln[r(x, y)]], we can achieve the primary function of homomorphic fiter. Block

Image Restoration

  • Process of removal of degradation in an image.
  • Degradation is incurred during acquisition, transmission, or storage.
  • Restoration is an objective process based on concrete, non-subjective mathematical models.
  • Uses prior knowledge to achieve this.
  • Causes
    1. Out of focus lens
    2. Atmospheric turbulence, mirage
    3. Improper ISO

Degradation Model


Original Image Degrade Function Degraded Image Add Noise Degrade Function Original Image Estimate

Restoration Techniques

  1. Inverse filtering
  2. Minimum mean squares filtering
  3. Constrained mean square filtering
  4. Non-linear filtering

Areas of Restoration

  1. Quantum limiting imaging in x-ray
  2. CT (computed tomography) scan in healthcare
  3. Image postprocessing in phone camera